I am really looking forward to having a record of my stitching thoughts, aims and achievements over the coming year. I have been looking at the 10,25, 50 challenge on the hasturtorres site and whilst I am not sure that I can agree not to buy more stash until I have finished a certain number of projects, it has spurred me to look at my stash and decide which items I would like to stitch from it first.
For the last week or so I have been stitching various exchange pieces, but I cannot share any of those photos with you until they have been received. However, here are a couple of photos to keep us all going. One is Merry Christmas by Carriage House Samplings, which I stitched for my good friend Carol and the other is of one of my UFOs. The UFO is 'My Son' by Indigo Rose. I love it but I made the mistake of putting it into a drawer a couple of years ago "just to keep it clean" and it hasn't seen the light of day since......
In spite of saying that I would be continuing to stitch the alphabet needle case I decided to stitch some more on another UFO, Garland Fair by Blackbird Designs. I spent three hours stitching the bird in the garland, only to discover that I had miscounted and placed it wrongly! I spent the next hour unpicking the stitching, which means that I have no photo to show you of that!
This week I received a couple of fabulous things from the Sampler Guild, including a little book about Ackworth School knitted pin balls. The photography and the colours in this little book are just wonderful. It is a pleasure to own even if I never get around to stitchi
My new motto is to stitch on whatever you please :-). Love the pictures.
Great finishes Again I hav ethe CHS - Xmas one on my to do list for this year.
Your My Son is just beautiful. I have that one started and tucked in a drawer somewhere, and now after seeing yours I'm going to have to find it. Keep up the good work.
Back to our gameboards hu???
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