Wednesday, October 14, 2009

From me to thee

Hello one and all..... where does the time go? Since I last posted we have been to Lochcarron in Scotland for our annual holiday. A lovely time was had by all and whilst we were away it was Carol's birthday. Sophie and Matt organised a cocktail party in honour of the day and here are photos of the gift that I stitched for Carol this year. The design is 'From me to thee' by Blackbird Designs.

Thanks for visiting!


Katrina said...

Oh it's so nice to see you posting! Sound slike you've been very busy.

Love the gift for Carol :-).

Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri ~ Boog) said...

A trip to Scotland - a dream I'll fulfill one day! We have lots of Scottish ancestry and I'd so love to visit. Your finish is wonderful, Jackie! So pretty and the frame is perfect! I'll bet Carol was beyond thrilled - I would be.

Melissa said...

What a lovely piece Jackie!

Ranae said...

A very pretty BBD finish.

Lois said...

What a lovely finish Jackie and I know Carol will have loved this!

Brigitte said...

Jackie, what a nice gift.
And a trip to Scotland - sounds terrific.